Showing 5 Result(s)
Blog Job Opportunity Lettings News News

Job Vacancy: Lettings Assistant

Lettings Assistant-Part time Cross Street Chapel Manchester M2 1NL 8 hours per week Annualised  £12.87 per Hour To work as part of a small team to facilitate lettings and room bookings in a busy City Center Church. Shifts to be worked over 3 days a week including evenings and weekends. For an application pack please …

Job Opportunity News and Statements

Job Vacancy – Sunday Musician

Cross Street Chapel is excited to announces a new opportunity. We are looking for an enthusiastic and talented musician to accompany us in our Sunday worship (10:45-11:45), as well as contribute a few incidental pieces each week. Details, including how to apply, are below: Salaried Position with 6 weeks’ paid holiday (pro rata) Annual salary: …

Job Opportunity

Job Opportunity! – Chapel Administrator

Might you be just the person we are looking for? We wish to recruit a CHAPEL ADMINISTRATOR for Cross Street Unitarian Chapel in the centre of Manchester This is non-residential, 16 hrs a week contract Working variable hours across any 4 days/evenings out of 7 £10,816 p.a. For Job description, Person specification and Application form …

Job Opportunity

Job Vacancy: Organist and Choral Accompanist (Piano)

Organist and Choral Accompanist (Piano) Cross Street Unitarian Chapel Manchester M2 1NL This is your opportunity to perform weekly in a beautiful, contemporary chapel in Manchester city centre. Applicants must: 1. Have achieved EITHER Grade 8 Piano OR Grade 8 Organ or equivalent and be willing and able to contribute effectively on both instruments. 2. …